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Duck: Diana Riojas

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

I really strolled up to 744 and got blessed. Now, I know what makes a good lede, what’s a story worth writing and all the other tricks dedicated journalists know. But I don’t care about that as much I do about seemingly trivial moments. Like how Haley and I worked prodo in paint powder after covering the Holi celebration or any nightly jam session I had in digital. I miss it all, but I’ll definitely miss you guys more.

Ali and Sam: You both took the biggest chance on me. Yes, Casey did lie when he said I knew AP style, but I am so grateful that he did. I’ve gained the best family out of this job and learned from the best duo the D.O. has ever seen. Love you both.

Aro: My only request for you is to put down the cards from time to time and write a theater column. Please be the Pulp icon I know you are!

Leff: You take charge girl. You make things happen. I learned a lot from you and I’m grateful you stepped in whenever I needed anything. <3

Talia: You have so much vision and made Pulp shine this semester. Thank you for creating some of the best looking spreads, inserts and front pages I’ve seen while I was here. You’re a star.

Corey: How you managed to run faster than a marathon runner and still get stunning photos – I really can’t imagine. Thank you for making sure my reporter was still alive at the end. You go out of your way to make photos look so compelling. I always think, what would Corey do whenever I take photos, so hopefully I made you proud.

Rori: I really hope I don’t look ugly in your documentary, oof I’m lying to myself. Rori, you were one of the first people to make me feel welcomed at the D.O. I love talking to you and seeing you come in this semester. Made me feel like it was Fall 2018 all over again. Love you girl.

Billman: You’re a light and I can’t wait to see what other amazing moments you’ll capture.

Andy: Spring 2019 was peak. That Jewish humor class gave us the time and energy to create some bomb jokes that everyone in-house had no choice but to hear.

Lydia: You knew from the jump I was a Pulp girl. How you saw it, I don’t know, but I’m glad you did.

Izzy: Girl keep writing those Pulp stories. You’ve become such a strong writer in one semester, I know you’ll only get better.

Chris C: Loved seeing you branch out of music writing. I know it was hard but the results, I mean come on. That RBG piece was GOLD. Keep writing and working on that cursive I want to see more great quotes on that fresh Pulp wall. LOVE YOU, MY TALL HERMANO <3

Mandy: You star. I am so blessed I got you as a copy asst. but I loved seeing the stories you wrote and creating a narrative. This semester alone, you’ve become such a strong writer. Keep making me proud and finding the kinds of people I’m always wanting to read more about.

Cydney Lee: You’re fam at this point. I loved reading your pieces, D.O. or not, you have talent and know how to grip me in from the first graf. Please continue to write and be the writer I know you are. <3

Nabeeha: If you ever need a brown girl rant, I’m here to listen, period.  Girl you really are such a star and I love seeing the work you produce for the Pulp section. More importantly, I love seeing you become your own throughout the semester. <3

MODS crew: You guys always gas me up. I have the best support system and I love the family that we all are to each other.

Curtis and Chanel: You guys keep me grounded and let me rant. Love you both.

Sandhya: You are my other half. I wanted to be just like you when I did copy and I still do cause you always have the best attitude. Thank you for dealing with me on all my questions.

KJ: We came into the house together, now we’re leaving together and heading to NYC baby. Even though you annoy me I love you big time, G. You’re dramatic, but ugh so am I.

Dabbundo: Thanks for always leaving my section when I yelled at you, lol. But a bigger thank you to always saying something absurd, like your whole grape ideology. Sometimes I would say get out after you have finished your hot takes. <3

Gabe: Dab, fist bump, period. We always looked so flossy when we did our handshake.

Nat & Emma: Casey was lucky to have both of you. He’s so extra but somehow y’all withstood all of that. A miracle.

India: When you threaten Casey to leave News for Pulp, those were the best moments cause he really stood quiet for a second. You are so dedicated and always willing to pull through. Our Varsity runs with Casey we’re always fun and I can’t imagine sitting in that MAG class without you by my side.

Kevin Camelo: “Calibra 2008” will live infamously within my, your and Amy’s hearts. Kevin you’re one of the smartest most talented people I’ve met at the D.O. How you whip up a whole splash page before deadline is beyond me.  You’re fam and I couldn’t imagine speaking broken Spanish to anyone else but you. LOVE U, whoop whoop.

Amy Nakamura: May the Power of Pulp be with you. Next semester is going to be sickening. The design, the art, the story, Pulp is going to look SNATCHED. I am so glad I met you, Amy. Some of my favorite moments this semester was coming to digital after everyone from Pulp left and just laughing with you and Kevin. I swear the three of us know the best music and can really throw down.

Mami, Dad, Paul & Abelardo: Luigi was the only one that really read my stories. I love y’all even when you called me during peak production hours. Y sí, tengo una jacketa.

Sarah Slavin: I think it was the second week of Boll’s class I knew you were going to be the funniest person I’d meet at this igloo of a school. I’m so grateful you said yes to being asst. Lord knows you’ve made this section burst out laughing. But I’m more grateful I have you as a friend. I could always come to you and I would instantly feel better. Senior year, I know it’ll be full of antics.

Allison Weis: You really switched up and came to Pulp, huh girl. Well, the section was blessed by you and I’m so happy I got to hear the daily hot takes and see the kind of work you produce. Allison, you wrote about ghosts. That’s crazy to me. I can’t wait to see you kill it for WaPo.


Kelsey: Yeeeeeeeeer –  I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve talked about Tom Holland and whether or not we’d actually be okay if he wasn’t in the Marvel Universe (the answer is no). You really just accepted me from day one.  You taught me so much in one semester and what’s crazy is that you’re still teaching me things. I see how resilient you are in Texas and I only wish I will be that strong when I leave SU. I love you, big time.

Haley (the baddest) Robertson: I really don’t know how to thank you. Thank you for choosing me as your feature asst. but more importantly, thank you for being my friend. Some of the wildest things I did at the D.O. were with you. Yes, I’m talking about going to that winter carnival and seeing the real Syracuse. I’ve seen you make Pulp come to life and I only tried to emulate that when I was headed.  I love you girl and I know next semester will only be better.

Darnell: Deadass, attending UM would’ve been way more fun. We could’ve been tanning and wearing Hawaiian shirts for every interview we conducted (and no one would’ve judged us) but I am so glad our Broward butts came here. If lil’ Diana and Casey from 2016 saw us now, I swear their AP Chemistry textbooks and Arizona Iced Teas would’ve dropped from their hands. So yes, we’re paler, but ‘Cuse’s clouds couldn’t stop us from really popping off and shining.

I love you, periodt. #954EVA

Okay, I’m over this. Please when you think of me years from now, you play Normani’s “Motivation,” cause that was the anthem I needed all of Fall 2019. – That part, that part.


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